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Listings Guide

We welcome all websites/communities into our directory as long as they follow the guidelines set out below.


Any website/community that is listed on Nook Directory must not knowingly contain any content that is pornographic, has major blood/gore, or knowingly contain any racist or sexist themes/imagery.

We do not accept fansites/communities that endorse/participate in any activity that is against Nintendo’s TOS/copyright. This includes:

  • Selling of AC items/services for real currency.
  • The creation of, sharing, selling, or distribution of hacked/modded content.
  • Selling unlicensed Animal Crossing Merchandise/Products (this includes etsy shops/crafts)

Please let us know if your community/content is NSFW or 18+. We will not deny your request based on this, but rather will use this to help with your listing.

We currently accept the following platforms and animal crossing communities:

  • Websites/Fansites
  • Discord Servers
  • Facebook Pages/Groups
  • Reddit
  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • Twitch
  • Pinterest
  • Apps (IOS and Google Play)

At the moment, only the websites and discord "apps" are available. You may submit a community from the list but please bare in mind it will be a while before those directories are live!